This all happen after KB5011831 Windows 10 update at 4:25:28 am at 8 May 2022 (check the battery report with that date)When the update are downloaded, I choose the power option at start menu: "Update and Shut Down" THIS IS THE BATTERY REPORT::- Battery reportCOMPUTER NAMEcensoredSYSTEM PRODUCT NAMEcensoredBIOS1.7 11/02/2015OS BUILD19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406PLATFORM ROLEMobileCONNECTED STANDBYNot supportedREPORT TIME2022-05-0922:33:49Installed batteriesInformation about each currently installed batteryBATTERY 1NAMEstandardMANUFACTUREROEMSERIAL NUMBER00001CHEMISTRYLiONDESIGN CAPACI
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