مشكلة في رسالة خطأ ملفات نظام - System files error message problem

Windows 11

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
فجأة ظهرت لي رسالة على ويندوز ١١ لا أستطيع التعامل معها تقول "vmware-kvm.exe - System ErrorThe code execution cannot proceed because vmwarebase.DLL was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. "VMware-kvm.exe ".أنزلت برنامج vmware وما زالت المشكلة موجودةشكرا لدعمكمحمد Translated:Suddenly, a message appeared on Windows 11 that I cannot deal with, saying: "vmware-kvm.exe - System ErrorThe code execution cannot proceed because vmwarebase.DLL was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. "VMware-kvm.exe ".I downloaded the program vmware The problem still exists Tha

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