Mouse Cursor stuck at medium size

  • Thread starter Thread starter JuanAl
  • Start date Start date


Ok, first a little bit of info:

I am running a desktop PC and an Asus Zenbook 303LN, both with Win10 (64 bit).

My mouse is a Logitech Ultrathin Touch - eventhough I doubt that's relevant, since the driver/software that comes with it doesn't offer any options regarding my problem.

So, what happened:
I played around with the Win10 settings and ended up in the "Ease access"-settings (non-english native here, forgive any bad translations).

On the "Mouse"-tag I just checked out the different sizes and colours.

When I wanted to return to regular settings (small / white), the cursor was stuck at medium.

Changing the colour also changed the size, so when I selected "black", the size went to normal (=smallest in my case).

But I can not revert the cursor to it's standard settings, not even from within system settings -> Mouse.

I also tried "synching" the settings from my Desktop to the Laptop, which...well, "kinda" worked.

The cursor on the Desktop is working fine now, the Laptop one is seriously tiny now.

Any ideas?

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