microsquish and their **** products

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Well the cretins and thieves at microsquish have done it again. They have royally screwed tens of thousands of companies both in the US and all over the world and they have also screwed untold millions of consumers with their stupidity and greed and people and companies need to start voting with their dollars and taking them elsewhere so microsquich gets a loud and clear message that their brand of BS is not acceptable under any circumstances ever.

I am an avid computer user both at my work and at home and my computer use is demanding. I currently have a 5th generation core i5 Dell laptop which I run via a docking station to 2 24” monitors, a printer, a scanner, and a 7.2 sound system. I do a lot of photography; working with large images and I also do content creation and video rendering. I am frugal. Not cheap but frugal and good with my dollars and tend to prefer buying in the secondary market. I have a good live with amazing accouterments all of which I got for a song by bidding my time and choosing carefully. A week ago I got what I thought was an amazing deal on a 5th generation core i7 desktop and I was salivating at the thought of how much faster the computer was and the great things it would do for my video productions. Sadly, due to the shortsightedness, greed, and stupidity of microsquish my amazing find turned into a flaming nightmare and may turn out to be the final push that turns me away from microsquish products for good and the thieves and greedy vermin at microsquish only have themselves to blame.

I spent several hours setting the computer up, loading software, data, images, and programs which for anyone who has ever bought another computer can attest can be a chore. I was doing the initial setup on the computer using a single monitor. Finally, after I had everything loaded onto the computer I hooked up the monitor and sat back to let the good times roll and I don’t think I have been so far wrong in a very, VERY long time. What I thought was going to be a simple connect of a second monitor has turned into a nightmare that has cost me 3 days of my time and came very close to me taking a baseball bat to the computer.

The computer has 2 DisplayPort connectors and 1 VGA connector. When I set the computer up I plugged one monitor into one of the DisplayPort connectors and the second monitor into the remaining DisplayPort connector and the nightmare began. When I turned the computer on with 2 monitors hooked up I had absolutely no video at all. I checked to make sure the cables were hooked up right and tight at both ends and that the monitors were on and no video. I turned the computer off and checked inside to make sure nothing had come lose. I turned it on again and nothing. I unhooked 1 monitor and got video. I switched that cable to the 2nd DisplayPort and had video. I plugged in the 2nd monitor and the video went away. I unhooked both monitors and plugged in my 2nd monitor and had video. By this time, I am thinking “what the heck is going on here??”. I looked in the BIOS and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I then installed an ATI Radeon 400 PCI Express dual head video card, hooked everything up, and powered the computer on and total blackness on the monitors. The computer was on, the video card had power, but no video and by this time I am really getting pissed. I decided to check the BIOS one more time to see if I has missed anything and to see if for some reason the PCIe was disabled. Not only had a not missed anything there are absolutely no settings for the PCIe headers in the BIOS anywhere. The BIOS is the DNA of a computer and controls ever aspect and function of the computer so the question has to be asked “why is there absolutely no reference in the BIOS to PCIe headers, a vital part of the computer?”. This sounds very much to me like someone is trying to hide something like maybe **** products. We have to remember this is coming from the company that brought us Windows ME, Windows Vista, and Windows 8 total garbage that should have never seen the light of day but forced upon the public by a company that could care less about what they want and only hopes that too many people don’t complain too loudly.

Totally frustrated and with the baseball bat option looking better and better I turned on my laptop and started researching on the internet and that’s when the storm really broke. The issue that I am experiencing is a known issue that deals with using dual monitors on computers that have the Intel 4600 HD graphics and the drivers associated with them. This issue goes back at least 10 years and could have, can be, and should be fixed but the thieves and vermin at microsquish have been too arrogant and too cheap to step up and fix with the problem that they created and in doing so they have screwed and cheated tens of thousands of companies and who knows how many hundreds of thousands of consumers while they played their little shell game of let’s duck responsibility for the mess we created. One of the messages I was seeing when I looked in Device Manager under video was something to the effect that “Windows has disables the Intel video drivers due to known conflicts with Windows . . .”. If these morons know there is a “conflict” then why don’t they fix it instead of burying their heads in the sand and pretending it doesn’t exist? Can someone please answer this for me??

I am done with this piece of junk computer and am very seriously thinking of getting in some practice with the baseball bat and then mailing the pieces to microsquish with a bill for the computer plus the time I wasted trying to set it up and trying to troubleshoot their screw-ups. If they won’t pay I’ll take them to court and also take with a lawyer about a class action lawsuit against microsquish. People have got to start fighting back against predators like microsquish who think they can push people around and we will take any **** they decide to shovel. I am looking at getting into either Apple or Linux boxes and the company I am a VP for will be ending its relationship with microsquish and its products and exploring other options and I strongly suggest that everyone vote with their dollars and do the same thing.

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