I received an email today, allegedly from Microsoft, for a study. It begins:
From: [surveysitemail(dot)com email address]
Microsoft is conducting a study about a new offering and is interested in your opinion.
If you participate in this study, you may enter a contest to win one of five (5) $100
Amazon gift ceritificates.
Participate Now!
To participate, click the following URL: [securestudies(dot)com URL]
(blah blah blah)
Stop Sending Me This Type of E-mail!
If you prefer not to receive e-mail invitations to participate in comScore market
research on behalf of Microsoft, please please use this form:
[mailingsvcs(dot)com URL]
The above is a cut/paste.
1. Notice that "certificates" is spelled wrong.
2. Notice duplicate words near the end in "please please use this form".
There is a MS link in the email, but it's not clear from that link whether this stupid
email is legit or not.
My antispam program is MailWasher Pro, and it's pretty damn near 100% effectve at
spotting spam. It firmly stamped this email as spam.
But is this legit? It seems almost criminally stupid to assume that Microsoft couldn't
conduct their own survey or manage their own mailing list, right? Especially since my
email preferences with Microsoft specifically state that I DO NOT want MS to share my
email address with 3rd parties (and yes, I am meticulous about these things).
If this IS from MS, they've now shared my contact information with three companies that
can't spell (surveysitemail, securestudies, and mailingsvcs DOTcom)
Can anyone verify this as legit, or disgustingly spammy? Has Microsoft cheerfully
violated my privacy?
Thanks to anyone that can help!!!
From: [surveysitemail(dot)com email address]
Microsoft is conducting a study about a new offering and is interested in your opinion.
If you participate in this study, you may enter a contest to win one of five (5) $100
Amazon gift ceritificates.
Participate Now!
To participate, click the following URL: [securestudies(dot)com URL]
(blah blah blah)
Stop Sending Me This Type of E-mail!
If you prefer not to receive e-mail invitations to participate in comScore market
research on behalf of Microsoft, please please use this form:
[mailingsvcs(dot)com URL]
The above is a cut/paste.
1. Notice that "certificates" is spelled wrong.
2. Notice duplicate words near the end in "please please use this form".
There is a MS link in the email, but it's not clear from that link whether this stupid
email is legit or not.
My antispam program is MailWasher Pro, and it's pretty damn near 100% effectve at
spotting spam. It firmly stamped this email as spam.
But is this legit? It seems almost criminally stupid to assume that Microsoft couldn't
conduct their own survey or manage their own mailing list, right? Especially since my
email preferences with Microsoft specifically state that I DO NOT want MS to share my
email address with 3rd parties (and yes, I am meticulous about these things).
If this IS from MS, they've now shared my contact information with three companies that
can't spell (surveysitemail, securestudies, and mailingsvcs DOTcom)
Can anyone verify this as legit, or disgustingly spammy? Has Microsoft cheerfully
violated my privacy?
Thanks to anyone that can help!!!