After inserting the USB, I received a pop up to download firmware driver at this link
Wireless Keyboard 850 | Microsoft Accessories
After downloading and running the 2 drivers (Mouse Keyboard Centre and Wireless 850 Keyboard Update), keyboard is still not responding/ not working.
I have turned on Filter Keys under "Ease of Keyboard Access", updated drivers under Device Manager, uninstalled and reinstalled drivers. I have ran Keyboard Troubleshooter. Keyboard is still not working.
My OS is Windows 10 Pro and there are no pending Windows Update. Windows 10 is at the latest update version.
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Wireless Keyboard 850 | Microsoft Accessories
After downloading and running the 2 drivers (Mouse Keyboard Centre and Wireless 850 Keyboard Update), keyboard is still not responding/ not working.
I have turned on Filter Keys under "Ease of Keyboard Access", updated drivers under Device Manager, uninstalled and reinstalled drivers. I have ran Keyboard Troubleshooter. Keyboard is still not working.
My OS is Windows 10 Pro and there are no pending Windows Update. Windows 10 is at the latest update version.
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