Microphone not working. Device not started/had a problem starting. Problem Status: 0xC00000E5

Windows 11

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Sometimes my microphone randomly just stops working, I didn't unplug anything or change any settings but I figured that it had to do something with my drivers, in the past I could just fiddle with things to get it to work but I can't figure it out this time. I've tried other solutions on here but I couldn't find anything that worked for me, please help!Theres three main logs whenever in the "Events" tab under my microphone's properties in the "Audio inputs and Outputs" section:1. Device settings not migratedDevice settings for SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{d8b86ff2-81e5-4b4c-b988-83cdb0e86650

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