Hi Robert and all people,
sorry for delay to replay, but I was out of home for over a week ...
Thankyou for interest in this problem.
I don't know which are the meaning of NSP and gapsvc.exe. Apparently no-one
file or other refer to gapsvc.exe in all my system ... I did a search over
all C: for gapsvc.exe ... the only references are those present in the named
log and in your mail message.
But I must add some information that previoulsy I didn't wrote.
In December 23rd, I was very stupid and, starting with a mail message
received that I missunderstood, I had installed on my system a malware named
"plugin.exe"; I found many information on internet data but, unfortunately,
only after my problem.
The best of these informations was located at
this identify all (?) activity done on system, I located all modules in the
system files and many (not all of those pointed) of the registry
modifications. I have deleted all modules and all registry identified. No
information found about the named file "dsSam_iexplore.exe.log" neither in
the entry nor in other.
I'm enough sure that the log was born with "plugin.exe".
Now the problem is:
- can be possible that there are some other modules linked to "plugin.exe"
in the system that create and populate the log, or
- the malware did some modifications on internet explorer default enabling
some kind of diagnostic, and if yes which?
I'm unable to replay to this question.
Can this help you ... to help me?
"Robert Aldwinckle" ha scritto nel messaggio
> "Serafino Marinelli" wrote in message
> news:4E019A55-216F-4742-B802-75A2B4E9DC41@microsoft.com...
>> Please,
>> anyone can help me to understand who is writing a log that outline all
>> web
>> accessed? I am with IE8 on Vista SP2. I am suspicious because if there
>> are
>> the web's names it can possible also outline user and password used to
>> access other web (i.e. bank web).
>> The named log is available
>> C:\Users\Admin\Appdata\Local\Temp\Low\dsSam_iexplore.exe.log (I attach an
>> example with access to www.google.it).
>> I don't know if it is created by IE8 or I am some malware installed.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Serafino
> It looks as if you have enabled some kind of diagnostic for something
> called NSP? Apparently it is checking for a proxy called gapsvc.exe
> Does that name mean anything to you?
> Robert Aldwinckle
> ---