I was reminded that my annual subscription for Office is due at the end of September 2019. I last paid for two years which expires this year. In IT terms, my laptop is quite old, (a Lifebook dating from 2013) but I am very happy with it and use it for on;line food shopping (I am disabled) and also importantly, complex research and writing for an historical novel which I ahve been working on for 6 years with time off for hospital operations. In late 103 I bought laptop with Windows 7 on it, a system I knew and preferred, and was happy with. I also had the option and disc to change to 8 and 8:1 at the time . But then reports circulated about 8 not working so well, and then shortly after, Windows 10 was launched which I did not want, particularly as there were nightmarish reports of things going wrong with it. Now I hear from 'Ask Jack' IT expert of the UK Guardian newspaper, that from next month, Windows 7 will no longer be supported by Microsoft. I don't know what to do. Should I download 10 onto my laptop which I am loathe to do, as I may lose my command of my laptops navigation, could lose important stuff, and get frustrated. I have backed up files on a massive GB USB stick, but I want to be able to navigate smoothly. Or should I wait and see if in a few months I can afford to buy a new laptop with Microsoft Office installed on it. Money is tight right now. Or should I pay the £55 annual fee for Miscrosoft Office on my current laptop with Windows 7 and just hope that it all works properly for another year?
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