I uninstalled Business Contact Manager. I want to reinstall it to give it a
try. However, when I go to run setup either direct from the CD or from
Install/Uninstall program I get the following error. I retrieved the error
from the error that is sent to microsoft. As a side I get an error everytime
I open Outlook. I would like to fix this problem also.
Loading package metadata: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup
Loading package metadata: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\Access.en-us\AccessMUISet.xml
Loading package metadata: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\PROR\ProrWW.xml
Error: Type: . UnexpectedError ErrorCode: 1605(0x645). This action is only
valid for products that are currently installed.
Error: Type: . UnexpectedError ErrorCode: 1605(0x645). This action is only
valid for products that are currently installed.
Error: Type: . UnexpectedError ErrorCode: 1605(0x645). This action is only
valid for products that are currently installed.
Catalyst execution finished: 03/21/2010 11:46:51. Return code: 30088.
Exception caught: UnexpectedError.
PERF: TickCount=5899140 Name=RunSetup Description=End function
When I open Outlook I get the following error:
"Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not connect to the shared
database. Do you want to work offline?"
Should remove and reinstall Office? I am concerned that it will not
reinstall since, I purchased the upgrade.
Thank you for your help.
try. However, when I go to run setup either direct from the CD or from
Install/Uninstall program I get the following error. I retrieved the error
from the error that is sent to microsoft. As a side I get an error everytime
I open Outlook. I would like to fix this problem also.
Loading package metadata: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup
Loading package metadata: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\Access.en-us\AccessMUISet.xml
Loading package metadata: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\PROR\ProrWW.xml
Error: Type: . UnexpectedError ErrorCode: 1605(0x645). This action is only
valid for products that are currently installed.
Error: Type: . UnexpectedError ErrorCode: 1605(0x645). This action is only
valid for products that are currently installed.
Error: Type: . UnexpectedError ErrorCode: 1605(0x645). This action is only
valid for products that are currently installed.
Catalyst execution finished: 03/21/2010 11:46:51. Return code: 30088.
Exception caught: UnexpectedError.
PERF: TickCount=5899140 Name=RunSetup Description=End function
When I open Outlook I get the following error:
"Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not connect to the shared
database. Do you want to work offline?"
Should remove and reinstall Office? I am concerned that it will not
reinstall since, I purchased the upgrade.
Thank you for your help.