I really need to know, What even language is this lol... all i'm reading is"CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Image is not Windows foundation i

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Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall: Invalid parameters sent to the callback. Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall: CBS startup processing complete. Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall: CBS startup processing failed. E r r o r Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall:PublishMessage failed. Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall: Exit. C B S _ C o r e _ I n i t i a l i z e CBS_Core_Initialize: Failed to find the servicing stack directory. % s \ C b s C o r e . d l l CBS_Core_Initialize: Loading CBS core from: %ls CBS_Core_Initialize:Loaded cbscore.dll CbsCoreInitialize CbsCoreStartupProcessing CbsCoreFinalize CBS_Core_Initialize:Fetched entrypoints CBS_Core_Initialize:Got malloc CBS_Core_Initialize:CbsCoreInitialize failed 0x%08lx CBS_Core_Initialize:CbsCorInitialize succeeded C B S _ C o r e _ F i n a l i z e CBS_Core_Finalize:Calling cbs core finalize CBS_Core_Finalize:Calling cbs core finalize complete S e r v i c i n g H a n d l e d E x t e r n a l l y S y s t e m \ S e t u p \ I m a g e B a s e d S e t u p C a l l b a c k _ C B S _ D o _ O n l i n e I n s t a l l Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Servicing is handled externally. Exiting. Callback_CBS_DoOnlineInstall:CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED) failed with RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE; trying again with COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED Callback_CBS_DoOnlineInstall:CoInitializeEx failed 0x%08lx Callback_CBS_DoOnlineInstall:CBS_Core_Initialize failed 0x%08lx Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Calling startup processing Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Calling startup processing succeeded but reboot is required 0x%08lx Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Requesting reboot failed 0x%08lx Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Calling startup processing failed and reboot is required 0x%08lx Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Calling startup processing failed 0x%08lx Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Calling startup processing succeeded D S k u **** e m b l y W i n P E O f f l i n e S K U **** e m b l y E U L A S e t u p I n f o C a l l b a c k _ L i c e n s e _ U n s t a g e d L o a d L i c e n s e T e x t b a s e \ c m i \ s e t u p \ m d l _ s k u **** e m b l y . c p p Callback_License_UnstagedLoadLicenseText: Failed to open blackboard Callback_License_UnstagedLoadLicenseText: Parameters used to identify EULA : Language - [%s] Channel - [%s] Edition - [%s] Callback_License_UnstagedLoadLicenseText: Image Information: WIM - [%s] ImageIndex - [%d] WorkingDirectory - [%s] I n s t a l l S o u r c e s P a t h I n s t a l l S o u r c e . . \ L a n g p a c k s l p . c a b Callback_License_UnstagedLoadLicenseText: Language Pack (CAB file) found at [%s] Callback_License_UnstagedLoadLicenseText: Calling SkuGetEULAFileFromCabAsString to extract the EULA content Callback_License_UnstagedLoadLicenseText: SkuGetEULAFileFromCabAsString Failed to get the EULA; hr = 0x%x: V a l u e Callback_License_UnstagedLoadLicenseText: EULA text Stored in Blackboard I m a g e I s D o w n l e v e l I m a g e I n f o C a l l B a c k _ C o n f i g u r e W i n d o w s F o u n d a t i o n I m a g e CallBack_LanguagePack_Install: Error determining if running a cross-architecture install. hr=[0x%X] W i n d o w s F o u n d a t i o n I m a g e CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Found Windows foundation image. S K U **** e m b l y I n P r o g r e s s S y s t e m \ S e t u p I n s t a l l D e s t i n a t i o n \ O S R o o t M o u n t P a t h W i n d o w s P a c k a g e s S y s t e m V o l u m e D r i v e P a t h S y s t e m V o l u m e S t a t i c P a t h s \ I n s t a l l a t i o n E X E F o l d e r P r o d u c t K e y \ E d i t i o n I D . m u m % s % s . x m l S t a t i c P a t h s \ P a n t h e r W o r k i n g F o l d e r P a t h c b s _ s k u **** e m b l y . l o g % s \ % s CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: LOG file path is [%s]. Offline Windows Path is [%s]. Offline system volume path is [%s]. Edition ID is [%s]. MUM update file is [%s]. SMI update script is [%s] CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: copy skuoverride file [%s] to windir directory [%s]. CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Failed to copy skuoverride file; GLE = %d M i c r o s o f t - W i n d o w s - S e r v e r C o r e - P a c k a g e ~ * . m u m CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Found ServerCore package [%s\%s] M i c r o s o f t - W i n d o w s - S e r v e r C o r e - F u l l S e r v e r - P a c k a g e ~ * . m u m CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Found ServerCore-FullServer package [%s\%s] CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: ServerCore-FullServer package found, NOT adjusting EditionID CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: ServerCore-FullServer package NOT found, proceeding to adjust EditionID CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Adjusting ServerCore edition ID from [%s] to [%sCore] % s C o r e CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Updated EditionID to [%s] CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Error allocating ServerCore edition ID: [%sCore], hr = 0x%x CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Error building package path [%s\%s]; GLE = %d CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: ServerCore package not found CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Successfully installed edition packages CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Failed to install edition packages; hr = 0x%x CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Call to InstallEditionPackages succeeded. CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Attempting to remove packages directory. CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Successfully removed packages directory. CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Failed to remove packages directory. GLE is [0x%X] CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Will not remove packages directory. CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Update file [%s] does not exist. Error code is [0x%X] CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Image is not Windows foundation image. CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Sku configuration attempted on a cross-architecture install. CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:An error occurred while configuring the Windows foundation image. GLE is [0x%X] CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Failed to publish the message. I n s t a l l E d i t i o n P a c k a g e s InstallEditionPackages: DISM Tool Path: [%s] InstallEditionPackages: DISM Install Path: [%s] InstallEditionPackages: DISM Scratch Path: [%s] InstallEditionPackages: DISM Log Path: [%s] InstallEditionPackages: Successfully initialized DISM. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to initialize DISM; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Successfully initialized DISM after %d retries. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to initialize DISM despite %d retries; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Successfully got PackageManager object. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to get PackageManager object; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Successfully got Unattend object. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to get Unattend object; hr = 0x%X. E d i t i o n M a t r i x . x m l InstallEditionPackages: Edition [%s] can transmog to [%s]. C o r e % s \ % s . m u m InstallEditionPackages: Successfully staged edition package [%s] InstallEditionPackages: Failed to stage packages for edition [%s]; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Edition [%s] cannot transmog to any other editions... InstallEditionPackages: Couldn't find edition matrix at [%s]; assuming no valid transmog targets... S e r v e r S e r v e r N T W i n N T InstallEditionPackages: Edition [%s] --> ProductType [%s] S y s t e m 3 2 \ c o n f i g \ S Y S T E M C o n t r o l S e t 0 0 1 \ C o n t r o l \ P r o d u c t O p t i o n s P r o d u c t T y p e InstallEditionPackages: Successfully set ProductType [%s] InstallEditionPackages: Failed to set ProductType [%s] under [%s]; Error = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to set ProductType [%s]; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Installing Edition [%s] InstallEditionPackages: Successfully installed edition package [%s] InstallEditionPackages: Failed to install package for edition [%s]; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Successfully committed edition packages. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to commit edition packages; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Opened unattend file at [%s]. InstallEditionPackages: OpenUnattend failed on [%s]; hr = 0x%x. InstallEditionPackages: Successfully validated unattend file. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to validate unattend file; hr = 0x%X. InstallEditionPackages: Successfully applied unattend settings. InstallEditionPackages: Failed to apply unattend settings; hr = 0x%X. E u l a \ E u l a T e x t OªT&#23;âð’F¨&#2;Õ&#24;q&#8;_4'¥3¾þB¤C¬^ÁÐYüp_ZÜ|QwzVC&#129;ÊÓŸPe‡& S O F T W A R E \ M i c r o s o f t \ W i n d o w s \ C u r r e n t V e r s i o n \ C o m p o n e n t B a s e d S e r v i c i n g \ V e r s i o n S Y S T E M \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ T r u s t e d I n s t a l l e r \ V e r s i o n % W I N D I R % \ s e r v i c i n g \ 0 . 0 . 0 . 1 \ false x86 ia64 amd64 wow64 msil shx arm arm64 id S Y S T E M \ S e t u p \ T i m e r s S t a r t L o w S t a r t H i g h S t o p L o w S t o p H i g h S e t u p S h u t d o w n R e q u i r e d \ \ ? \ \ ? \ U N C C r e a t e P a t h : U n a b l e t o c r e a t e [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x C r e a t e P a t h : U n a b l e t o c r e a t e p a r e n t d i r e c t o r y f o r [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x \ \ k e r n e l 3 2 . d l l FindFirstFileNameW FindNextFileNameW D e l e t e F i l e E x : U n a b l e t o a l l o c a t e m e m o r y f o r t h e f u l l p a t h n a m e ; G L E = 0 x % x D e l e t e F i l e E x : U n a b l e t o g e t f u l l p a t h n a m e o n [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x D e l e t e F i l e E x : h a r d l i n k g i v e n t o u s i s : % s D e l e t e F i l e E x : T r y i n g t o s e t b a c k a t t r i b u t e s o n : % s D e l e t e F i l e E x : U n a b l e t o d e l e t e [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x D e l e t e F i l e E x : U n a b l e t o c l e a r o u t a t t r i b u t e s o n [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x W d s R e m o v e D i r e c t o r y : U n a b l e t o c l e a r a t t r i b u t e s o n [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x W d s R e m o v e D i r e c t o r y : U n a b l e t o r e m o v e d i r e c t o r y [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x W d s R e m o v e D i r e c t o r y : U n a b l e t o p r e p a r e p a t h [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x E n u m e r a t e P a t h E x : U n a b l e t o g e t r e p a r s e t a g f o r p e r s i s t e n t r e p a r s e p o i n t ; G L E = 0 x % x * . . . E n u m e r a t e P a t h E x : U n a b l e t o e n u m e r a t e [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x E n u m e r a t e P a t h E x : C a l l b a c k r e q u e s t e d e n u m e r a t i o n i n t e r r u p t i o n o r h i t i n t e r n a l e n u m e r a t i o n f a i l u r e o n [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x E n u m e r a t e P a t h E x : U n a b l e t o c o n s t r u c t p a t h u n d e r [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x E n u m e r a t e P a t h E x : F i n d F i r s t F i l e f a i l e d f o r [ % s ] ; G L E = 0 x % x E n u m e r a t e P a t h E x : F a i l e d s e a r c h p a t h i s > = M A X _ P A T H ! < u n a v a i l a b l e > s D e l e t e P a t h E n g i n e : H i t % d f a i l u r e % s d u r i n g r e c u r s i v e d e l e t i o n o f [ % s ] ; 1 s t e r r o r = 0 x % x , c d = [ % s ] D e l e t e P a t h : C a n n o t d e l e t e < n u l l > . D e l e t e P a t h : [ % s ] d o e s n ' t e x i s t a s a d i r e c t o r y ; n o t h i n g t o d e l e t e . D e l e t e P a t h : F a i l e d t o o b l i t e r a t e [ % s ] ( G L E = 0 x % x ) ; r e t r y i n g . . . D e l e t e P a t h : F a i l e d t o o b l i t e r a t e [ % s ] a f t e r % d t r i e s ; G L E = 0 x % x æŸÚ¹_®>O²úŽb<&#17;Üun t d l l . d l l T R U E F A L S E D F o l d e r M a n a g e r D I S M P a c k a g e M a n a g e r D I S M U n a t t e n d M a n a g e r % S y s t e m D r i v e % \ d i s m c o r e . d l l W i n d o w s \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ D I S M \ d i s m c o r e . d l l W i n d o w s \ s y s w o w 6 4 \ D I S M \ d i s m c o r e . d l l W i n d o w s \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ D I S M W i n d o w s \ s y s w o w 6 4 \ D I S M DllGetClassObject /ÿT¦úÙñMª¿˜, <_R1ÎOMg÷äE²éT ãá8š•Ï’?+FÚK¡Ô¶ËtÎû\internal\onecorebase\inc\rtlstringutil.h onecore\base\servicing\offlinehives\offlinehives.cpp GetLoadedHiveKeyNameInternal Not-null check failed: FullOfflineHiveFilePath Not-null check failed: KeyNameBuffer { b f 1 a 2 8 1 b - a d 7 b - 4 4 7 6 - a c 9 5 - f 4 7 6 8 2 9 9 0 c e 7 } lusSanitizedFilePath.Length != 0 . . { } . . ::RtlStringCchCopyNW(KeyNameBuffer, KeyNameBufferSize, lusKeyName.Buffer, cchKeyName) \ \ ? 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