I plugged my hard drive into another computer, now I have permissions and windows security issues

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Recently my power supply died and I had to replace it. While I was waiting for the replacement, I needed some files off the C:\ drive, so I plugged it into my SATA dock attached to my laptop. The files in question were in Documents, so of course I navigated into my user folder, which asked to grant permissions, and I did so.

Having done this with other drives, including other C:\ drives from previous computers of mine, as well as friends, family and clients, I didn't think anything of it. However now after installing the new PSU, I found that initially I was getting requests for permissions for almost every file in the user folder as well as most programs in AppData (mostly the ones in Local), and security warnings for links on my desktop and the quick launch icons on the taskbar, and for two startup programs, one of which is a custom program, and the other is OneDrive. Additionally several Windows apps are not working, specifically Mail, and Microsoft Store (haven't checked every app yet); as well as my browser of choice, Opera returned errors before launching, and Discord also not running.

I first went about resetting permissions for the user folder to my account, however that didn't remove the security warnings nor fix the broken apps. I've tried using command prompt to reset the folder via the commands "icacls /reset /t /c /l" and "icacls /setintegretylevel (OI)(CI)med /t /c /l", and SOME security warnings went away, but not all of them. I've tried multiple methods to fix the misbehaving apps, including resetting caches, manually deleting caches, resetting them via Settings, and several powershell commands to reinstall them individually, as well as reinstall all apps. Opera updated and is now running fine, and I've reinstalled Discord and it too is running fine.

I've also confirmed that the issue I am having is related to my account, as I've set up multiple temporary accounts, all of which have no issue whatsoever with any folders, links, programs or apps.

I realise that my specific fixes may not be doing exactly what I was hoping, as I admittedly have only a knowledge of command prompt and powershell that can be described as slightly higher than rudimentary at best. However, I have been working with both Windows and computers in general for the last 14 years, and I have never experienced this level of issue on my own, nor other computers that I've been working with. I'd very much like to get this issue resolved without needing to migrate my data to another account, or worse, completely reinstall my OS.

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