I have 2 copies of MS NET Frameworks installed in my programs, together they are over 3GB and I need some advice, please.

  • Thread starter Thread starter 1tric-pony
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I have a windows 7 laptop 64 bit and I want to free up some Hard Drive space and I noticed that I have two identical versions of Microsoft .net framework version 4.8.03761 installed in my programs list that were both installed on 01-21-2020 over a year ago.

What kills me is one of them is a whopping 1.84 GB with no time stamp showing and "last used" is blank, but the other one is only 227.55 MB and states the exact time it was installed next to the installed on date, as well as the "last used" shows 06-21-2020. Clearly the spotlight is shining on the lightweight 227.55 MB copy and the heavyweight 1.84 contender has nothing remarkable showing on its marquee at all.

But as I said they were both installed on the same day 01-21-2020.

So my questions are:

1. Why is one copy so big when it appears I never even used it if last used date is blank, but the other one is so much smaller but does show it was last used 06-21-2020 over a year ago.

2. If they have gone this long without being used why would I want them taking up space on my Hard Drive any longer?

3. Can I just uninstall both and be done with them?

4. If the answer is NO, then can I just uninstall the large 1.87 GB space hog?

5. If NO, then can I do away with the smaller 227.55 MB one?

I kind of understand If I uninstall a . NET framework and then launch a program that happens to require the . NET I just uninstalled, I will most likely receive a Windows error message stating that some sort of .DLL file is missing and that the program can't launch. SO okay is there a clever work around to that should that happen? Can I just put something on a flash drive and if that DLL error threat should happen one day, I can stick in the rainy day flash drive I made in advance for such occasions? Well I just asking?

Since I don't trust myself to decide this on my own, and I don't really understand what little I read up on the subject of MS .NET Frames, nor do I have the time, energy, or will power to learn, and being that my eyesight is under protest being they are overworked, can someone just confirm YES I can uninstall one or both and everything will be just fine. BUT if it's NO then can you please give a short and sweet simplified reason what I need to keep them for? I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading my long post.

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