I want to know if my drive has any bad spots.
Ran Full Diskcheck from Explorer(My Computer).
It says nothing except it's finished.
There is NO winlogon under Event Viewer in WinXp Home.
There is no winlogon under Event Viewer Application, as another post
And I already ran it in windows and waited for it to complete the full scan
so I don't want to run again from cmd promt.
Checkdisk sucks! Why have they still not fixed this problem. It's just as
bad in vista. Checkdisk is supposed to be better than scandisk. IT'S NOT!!!
It doesn't give you any information when you run from My
Computer/Tools/Error checking. That's just retarded! And on Bootup it
doesn't give you a chance to read the results and there's no information
about it in help! That is ignorant!
And occasionally it deletes a bunch of orphan files during bootup scan
making files that were accessible but corrupted completely inaccessible.
Oh yes, and the very fact that I have to open MY Computer to start it is
Moronic, Cause Opening my computer accesses the disc and half the time it
wont run cause something is accessing the disc only nothing is open,
especially right after reboot and my other comp doesn't even have anti-virus
cuz it's not online so that can't be it.
"Carey Frisch [MVP]" wrote:
> Go to Control Panel > Admin. Tools > Event Viewer > Winlogon
> after running Check Disk to see the report.
> --
> Carey Frisch
> Microsoft MVP
> Windows - Shell/User
> Microsoft Community Newsgroups
> news://msnews.microsoft.com/
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "JM" wrote:
> | How can I view the results of a Checkdisk after I run it from within XP Pro
> | on an installed hard drive, with the options set to repair automatically?
> |
> | thank you,
> |
> | jm
Ran Full Diskcheck from Explorer(My Computer).
It says nothing except it's finished.
There is NO winlogon under Event Viewer in WinXp Home.
There is no winlogon under Event Viewer Application, as another post
And I already ran it in windows and waited for it to complete the full scan
so I don't want to run again from cmd promt.
Checkdisk sucks! Why have they still not fixed this problem. It's just as
bad in vista. Checkdisk is supposed to be better than scandisk. IT'S NOT!!!
It doesn't give you any information when you run from My
Computer/Tools/Error checking. That's just retarded! And on Bootup it
doesn't give you a chance to read the results and there's no information
about it in help! That is ignorant!
And occasionally it deletes a bunch of orphan files during bootup scan
making files that were accessible but corrupted completely inaccessible.
Oh yes, and the very fact that I have to open MY Computer to start it is
Moronic, Cause Opening my computer accesses the disc and half the time it
wont run cause something is accessing the disc only nothing is open,
especially right after reboot and my other comp doesn't even have anti-virus
cuz it's not online so that can't be it.
"Carey Frisch [MVP]" wrote:
> Go to Control Panel > Admin. Tools > Event Viewer > Winlogon
> after running Check Disk to see the report.
> --
> Carey Frisch
> Microsoft MVP
> Windows - Shell/User
> Microsoft Community Newsgroups
> news://msnews.microsoft.com/
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "JM" wrote:
> | How can I view the results of a Checkdisk after I run it from within XP Pro
> | on an installed hard drive, with the options set to repair automatically?
> |
> | thank you,
> |
> | jm