How do I trigger the Item_Open function to run my vb-script code in Microsoft Outlook Code behind the forms?

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Good morning experts,
I have just discovered that I can no longer use Outlook's code behind the form that uses vb-script as the underlying programming environment.

I have been building custom forms for various people,small offices, and Healthcare companies since code behind the form with vb-script began in 1997.

I have been out of the loop for a few years. The last time I created forms for an entity was in Outlook 2013.

Fast forward six years and I've discovered that even-though the choose/design developer form is still available,it wont fire off the Item_Open function which is where my vb-script code goes.

However I suspect that even if I put code outside of the Item_Open function it still wouldn't work.

One potential fix that I researched was to modify a couple registry keys:

Registry Settings to Allow Functionality within the choose design form

I was able to actually trigger the Item_Open function to run my vb-script code. However , when I publish the form to the Personal Forms Library and exit to go back to developer tab, the form is blank , thus not running the vb-script within the item_open function.

Please follow my screenshots that should help you understand the underlying issue with the item_open function not triggering and running the vb-script code.






In a nutshell, the form works in design view mode (because of the registry key modifications) , but not when I get back into regular outlook under the developer tab when I choose the "Choose Form" action.

I hope that I wasn't to verbose. I look forward to your anticipated responses.


Regis Hyde

Regis Hyde

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