Using Device Manager, on the Serial port COM3, under properties and under "Device Instance path", I got the value: "FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+AL05HPWVA\0000". I tried plugging this into CreateFile and I keep getting Invalid File Name or File Not Found, etc. I'm not sure what I'm missing or doing wrong.
char CommPortName[] = "FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+AL05HPWVA\0000";
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = {0};
DWORD dLastError;
hSerial = CreateFile(CommPortName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if (hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){
dLastError = GetLastError();
Thank You,
Paul Jacques
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Using Device Manager, on the Serial port COM3, under properties and under "Device Instance path", I got the value: "FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+AL05HPWVA\0000". I tried plugging this into CreateFile and I keep getting Invalid File Name or File Not Found, etc. I'm not sure what I'm missing or doing wrong.
char CommPortName[] = "FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+AL05HPWVA\0000";
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = {0};
DWORD dLastError;
hSerial = CreateFile(CommPortName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if (hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){
dLastError = GetLastError();
Thank You,
Paul Jacques
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