HID-Complaint mouses keeps reinstalling, sometimes pointer gone until restart

  • Thread starter Thread starter IstvánLantos
  • Start date Start date


My HID-Complaint mouses keeps reinstalling and sometimes the pointer gone. Only can be resolved if I restart my PC. Ending the explorer.exe task didn't helped either. I tested with multiple mouses and USB ports. I also uninstalled every device in USBDeview and restarted my PC to re-install them. The problem still persists.

This is what USBDeview reports:

Device Name Description Device Type Connected Safe To Unplug Disabled USB Hub Drive Letter Serial Number Created Date Last Plug/Unplug Date VendorID ProductID Firmware Revision USB Class USB SubClass USB Protocol Hub / Port Computer Name Vendor Name Product Name ParentId Prefix Service Name Service Description Driver Filename Device Class Device Mfg Friendly Name Power USB Version Driver Description Driver Version Driver InfSection Driver InfPath Instance ID Capabilities
USB OPTICAL MOUSE USB Input Device HID (Human Interface Device) Yes Yes No No 2020. 04. 16. 20:50:33 2020. 04. 16. 19:45:27 093a 2510 1.00 03 01 02 LANTI-DESKTOP 7&292b421a&1 HidUsb @input.inf,%HID.SvcDesc%;Microsoft HID Class Driver hidusb.sys (Standard system devices) 100 mA 1.10 USB Input Device 10.0.18362.175 HID_Inst.NT input.inf USB\VID_093A&PID_2510\6&2760bdae&0&4 Removable, SurpriseRemovalOK

Here is the related setupapi.dev.log:

[Device Install Log]
OS Version = 10.0.18363
Service Pack = 0.0
Suite = 0x0100
ProductType = 1
Architecture = amd64


[Boot Session: 2020/04/16 20:49:39.500]

>>> [Uninstall device subtree - ROOT\VMS_VSMP\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/04/16 20:49:55.896
cmd: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k NetSvcs -p -s hns
dvi: Uninstalling devnode ROOT\VMS_VSMP\0000
dvi: {Delete Device - ROOT\VMS_VSMP\0000}
dvi: Query-and-Remove succeeded
dvi: {Delete Device - exit(0x00000000)}
<<< Section end 2020/04/16 20:49:55.928
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [Uninstall device subtree - ROOT\VMS_MP\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/04/16 20:50:07.943
cmd: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k NetSvcs -p -s hns
dvi: Uninstalling devnode ROOT\VMS_MP\0000
dvi: {Delete Device - ROOT\VMS_MP\0000}
dvi: Query-and-Remove succeeded
dvi: {Delete Device - exit(0x00000000)}
<<< Section end 2020/04/16 20:50:08.975
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

Thank You for your help!

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