Extremely Frustrating Intermittent "Packet Loss" Issue That Verizon Says Is On My End And Not Theirs. Huge Consistent Latency Spikes in OW and Val out

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[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Hello everyone, This is the first time I'm posting in this community, and I apologize but its quite lengthy.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]I am new to PC Networking in general, Whenever I've had an Internet issue it was solved by the ISP or by resetting my router. Recently, I've been tearing my hair out the past two weeks trying to figure out an intermittent "packet loss" issue, This could be an issue with either my ISP or PC Firmware. I am not knowledgeable on the subject at all. So I decided to take it here because I'm sure I will leave here with more help than Verizon has ever given me. Here's the story:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Recently I had some trouble with my Display Adapter. Started glitching out, funky patterns everywhere all that fun stuff. I simply re-installed my Display Adapter through Device Manager, and although I felt the method was sloppy, I don't think that caused my issue. Regardless, It could be coincidence, But since that morning, My latency has been in the **** for a solid two weeks.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]To be clear: I am on ethernet. Still, I noticed tons of latency spikes in games I've never experienced them in before like Valorant and Overwatch. Because of this, I ran some tests on Verizon, on my Devices and a few others connected to the same internet, And voila, 100% packet loss for ONLY my device according to my provider's website. All other devices had 0% packet loss. Something wasn't right. If I was having 100% packet loss, wouldn't I just have constantly high ping throughout every game of Valorant, Overwatch, or even LoL? I decided to try a few other sites, including running a ping test through google servers in cmd, And every single one showed me I was experiencing 0% packet loss, through multiple tests.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]My NIC Card seems fine, In fact, the Desktop I am using isn't even a year old yet. I did nothing to my PC the day before it started spazzing, Hell, I did nothing at all to my PC that could cause an issue like this. It was always working, for months now, So there was never any reason to. I ran some bootleg battle.net traceroutes on my laptop connected to WiFi and my Desktop connected to Ethernet. The results are the same / incredibly similar for both, with the 5th hop landing somewhere in the 500-1000ms range, then the 6th hop disconnecting entirely, back to a calm 5-7ms the 7th hop.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]3 1.235 ms 1.235 ms 1.234 ms[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]4 1.161 ms 1.178 ms 1.180 ms[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]5 1214.347 ms 1214.408 ms 1214.424 ms[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]6 * * *[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]7 5.963 ms 6.383 ms 6.411 ms[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]With that, The paper trail ends. I get the Overwatch AND Valorant Packet Loss symbol consistently now, I have no clue why the traceroutes are the same, And I'm still stuck wondering what could've randomly happened that caused ONLY my Desktop's Ethernet latency to go crazy out of nowhere. Like I said before, My network never provided an issue other than the occasional hiccup every 20 or so games. If I am receiving 100% packets all devices other than my Desktop, But the Laptop traceroute I ran is similar to the PC, Please correct me if I'm wrong, But I feel it has to be an ISP issue.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]I've repair installed windows, even factory reset it to a clean slate, and the problem persists. Keep in mind, I am very new to any type of network troubleshooting since it never posed a problem for me. After 4 Live Chats with Verizon and 3 hour long phone calls, They have done nothing but change my IP to help. I don't expect anybody to exactly know the issue, But a little help would go a long way at possibly narrowing down what this could be. I've talked to a PC Specialist who was nice enough to suggest many possible over-the-phone solutions, Like a new ethernet cable or a factory reset, None of which have worked. I was also informed that it couldn't possibly be an issue with my drivers. Before I pay some guy $90 an hour to screw with my PC all day, I think I'm gonna work on getting my router updated just incase. Until then, I'll be stuck to this post like glue. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. I understand this is a lengthy post, So I genuinely thank anyone who read this fully for giving me their time. I may be incorrect in many things I have stated previously, If anybody could correct me if I did miss something, That would be amazing. Finally, If many of you feel this post belongs in a different community, Please direct me to said community and I will remove this post. Thank you all in advance <3[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Update: This is still a really annoying issue and its very apparent when I'm playing any type of game that I am experiencing latency issues. I'm thinking it has to be because of that driver issue, But that doesn't really explain much. I'm losing my mind. I dont think it's the NIC yet but I won't count it out. Any help is still really appreciated. To anyone that doesn't want to go looking for images relating my issue, I'll put them all here for reference:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]This is my ethernet currently after starting up Overwatch in the Practice Range, or in game:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)] View: https://imgur.com/O3V3hqm

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]When I quit Overwatch: The spikes seem to go down, But still remain for a bit.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)] View: https://imgur.com/vPBvIzR

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]After just quitting the game I still have some spikes, But remains pretty consistent.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)] View: https://imgur.com/Q48GHlk
(Ethernet after completely exiting OW)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)] View: https://imgur.com/a/C7nTNrO

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Performance in the Overwatch Menu (Just with Application open, Not in game):[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)] View: https://imgur.com/C8nYCRM

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Overwatch. Tarkov, Valorant, and LoL all have ping issues.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]NEW PICS:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Kbps Pic (Instead of Mbps it halved to Kbps)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]imgur.com[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Perfect Picture that Sums up my problem. Dont know why my ping is like this right now..[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]imgur.com[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Just lmfao.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]imgur.com[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]An forum that features a situation similar to mine:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Random ping spikes while gaming.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]Another HomeNetworking question very similar to mine:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/einj93/lag_spikes_while_gaming/[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]One thing I noticed was my CPU usage has been higher than usual. From maybe like 6-8% to 14-15% idle. I have a Ryzen 7 3700x. Highly doubt it is a CPU issue though, Since its network related, Although the raise in usage is concerning. I looked into msinfo32 in cmd and I see there are a couple of fault buckets. Don't know if this is of any importance, would love to know.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(26, 26, 27, 1)]The way I cope in these types of situations is knowing I have a fallback, Which was if all else fails just buy a new motherboard with a new NIC. But I would REALLY prefer not to spend the money for something that might not even work. I have my ethernet directly connected to my PC from my router, with the same issues pertaining. PLEASE, Any help is appreciated. The only thing I can think of that caused this issue was Reinstalling my Display Adapter through Device Manager. After that things seemed off. Other than that, I did literally NOTHING else to my PC files or anything. It happened out the blue.[/COLOR]

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