Continuous BSOD's (Look at Details)

  • Thread starter Thread starter ElioArmas-Rojo
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Since the 1st week of January I have been encountering BSOD for some unexplained reason, they just started out of nowhere. I have owned this PC for almost 3 years now and have encountered no problems with Windows 10 until now. I have had Windows 10 installed since day one. I use this PC for gaming, 3D Modeling, and college work. So I need this computer and I have no other computer which I could use. To tell the whole story, I will just do a recount of my steps these past 3 weeks.

Week 1:

My first BSOD occurred on the 3rd for some unknown reason and the error listed was Memory Management. No error code was listed, just that error name and no error report was ever created. The BSOD’s would then occur nearly 7 times per day for about 5 days until I knew I had to fix it because I had school. Each BSOD had a different error name and did not show any sort of error report post restart. The only evidence of eth error I could find is in the event viewer, and even then it was vague. I ran an sfc scan and it came back positive for corrupted files. The CBS log indicated that the corruption was in my OS file's, specifically in the Map files in the .dll section of files for the OS. I saw misty people would just reset their PC’s and everything would be fine, but that didn't happen.

Week 2:

In the Second week, after I did a complete system reset and wipe, my PC continued to have BSOD’s and nothing was working, sfc command would fail, and the DISM tool would also fail or a BSOD would occur before the DISM could finish. Now though, BSOD’s were a lot more scarce as they would only happen when I run a heavy program or when I would try to run a scan. The BSOD would again list an error title but no code and no report post restart. When I got 1 sfc scan to work, it indicated that everything was clean, but after a closer look in the CBS log, even more Map files had become corrupted. So I reset my PC completely.

Week 3:

This week, the BSOD’s persisted and I couldn't even run scans anymore unless I entered safe mode. Scans would indicate a clean system in safe mode and when I checked the CBS log in safe mode, everything would be cleaned. But out of safe mode, issues still persisted. I have checked the integrity of my one and only drive and my drive is clean and up to date. I checked my RAM, and the report came back clean. BSOD’s will still persist and even when I am playing, the game will crash, and within the minute, a BSOD will occur.

I can now only run Zoom and Microsoft Edge without problems for most of the time, as I couldn’t even run zoom before. But without being able to use my other programs, I can't work at full capacity for the 3D Modeling. Usually a BSOD will start by crashing my Microsoft Edge or the program that I am using, then Steam will restart/crash, then finally, the BSOD. I need desperate help, please, this is my main and only PC, and if I don’t have this, I don't know what I could do in terms of all my responsibilities in school and whatnot.


32-bit and 64-bit

AMD Ryzen 5-2600 CPU

EVGA Nvidia GTX 1650 Super GPU

MSI X470 Gaming Plus Max MB

NZXT Kraken X63 RGB CPU Water Cooler

XPG 16GB 3200 MHz RAM



Programs CURRENTLY installed:



Brick Rigs

Fusion 360




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