"Daave" écrivait news:uNhDHRcoKHA.5696
> I've never seen a Retail installation CD (that I can recall). I've seen
> lots of OEM installation CDs. Dell-branded installation CDs don't come
> with COAs (the computers themselves do, however). The COAs I have seen
> with generic OEM installation CDs are not stickers. But what I usually
> do is tape them to the PCs I install them on.
The COAs I have seen with generic OEM installation packages ARE stickers,
you separate them from the package with a thin blade, you can then apply
them on the PC case and they will hold by themselves, no tape needed.
> I've never seen a Retail installation CD (that I can recall). I've seen
> lots of OEM installation CDs. Dell-branded installation CDs don't come
> with COAs (the computers themselves do, however). The COAs I have seen
> with generic OEM installation CDs are not stickers. But what I usually
> do is tape them to the PCs I install them on.
The COAs I have seen with generic OEM installation packages ARE stickers,
you separate them from the package with a thin blade, you can then apply
them on the PC case and they will hold by themselves, no tape needed.