Cara mengatasi laptop error black screen karena file "windows.applicationmodel.dll" terhapus - How to fix laptop black screen error because the "windo

Microsoft Windows

Active Members
Dec 10, 2024
Saya mengalami masalah dilaptop saya berupa layar hitam dan tidak bisa di apa apain, saya sudah mencoba berbagai shortcut juga tetap tidak bisa, mungkin penyebabnya karena file "windows.applicationmodel.dll" terhapus secara tidak sengaja. Lalu bagaimana cara memperbaikinya? From Indonesian:I have a problem on my laptop in the form of a black screen and can't do anything, I've tried various shortcuts but it still doesn't work, maybe the cause is because the "windows.applicationmodel.dll" file was accidentally deleted. So how do I fix it?

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