Can't send emails from a Mediacom email address over Mediacom IP address

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cindy62712
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I have been going round and round with Mediacom TotalCare (isn't that term an ironic term as they don't care at all) about not being able to send emails with my Mediacom email addresses over my Mediacom IP address. I keep sending them the error messages that Outlook is giving back but they refuse to take any ownership of the problem and tell me to use their webmail (awkard, time consuming, and not efficient like my Outlook) or contact Microsoft as it is not their problem.

Outlook used to work just fine with Mediacom up until about a year ago. Then I started having issues of not being able to send email with my Mediacom email addressess while connected to my Mediacom IP address.

If I search around and find a VPN address that works I can send my Mediacom emails through the VPN address.

I can send gmails from Outlook through my Mediacom IP address just fine.

I can send Mediacom emails through my Verizon service on my phone just fine but cannot send them when connected to my Mediacom wifi with my Mediacom IP address.

I have checked and all my settings are still correct according to Mediacom's recommended settings for Outlook and my cell phone.

The error messages I get vary between "The server responded: 554 mc-obgw-5002a Mediacom I1S0jSRsTsjiL POL106 Connec"


"The server responded: 554 njtocomv01 Mediacom I19KjOme9TS0P POL106 Connectio"


"The server responded: 554 njtocomv01 Mediacom HjkYjLnloTS0P POL106 Connection Rejected - see ESMTP server not available". (The blanked out part of my IP address since this is public)

Spamhaus does have my IP listed on a CBL list as a spammer but the test showed 4 episodes in the last 28 days and one of those was in the last 24 hours (which was impossible as my VPN has not been shut off for several days as that is the only way I can send any emails). Plus what kind of a spammer would only send out 4 spams in 28 days?

When I talked with a Mediacom tech support person last year (over the phone) I told them about this Spamhaus error message and they checked my account and said they do not see any unusual activity that would lead them to believe that I am spamming anyone. They also told me that Mediacom uses Spamhaus to cut down on spammers. Tonight the worthless Mediacom Total Care denies that Mediacom uses Spamhaus.

My computer is clean. I run Malware Bytes live. Once a month I'll run an extra scan with one of the others like Spybot Search and Destroy, or Adaware, or AVG. They all come back clean except for normal tracking cookies. No virus, no trojans, no malware.

I can "unblock myself" on Spamhaus but it only works for a day or two then I go back on block. I truely think this is a Mediacom problem but since Mediacom is absolutely no help and wants to pawn me off on Microsoft, here I am.

I can send out gmails from Outlook over my Mediacom IP address just fine.

I can send out gmails from my cell phone over my Mediacom wifi just fine.

I can send out Mediacom emails over my Verizon server just fine.

I just cannot send out Mediacom emails over a Mediacom IP address at all.

I can receive all emails just fine over my Mediacom IP address.

I don't know what Mediacom has against Outlook but their only answer is to use their terrible webmail service.

Anyone know how to fix this or have a contact higher up in Mediacom that would be willing to help?

Thank you everyone in advance for your time,


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