Can anyone help me with this server setup?

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so I have this lab to do for a windows server class and am just really confused about it I get the idea but there are a few things that are just really confusing and can't find too many answers online so want to ask people who actually have knowledge in this so I can get the right answers, learn from it, and apply it. not asking for you to do my lab for me just asking you to point me in the right direction. thanks! (btw if it helps knowing I just have to use a vm of windows server 2016 not actually set all this up in real life)

so the first thing i need to know or at least know how to even figure this out. either way is fine for me. just stuck. so basically my lab is like a job needed to be completed and it gives a description of the company you need to set this up for and the hardware they give you then its like would this hardware fit the needs of this company and I just don't understand how to figure that out so if you can give me the process of how you even figure that out that would be great. Also don't understand where it says configure the server to the requirements of the company its just very broad and I don't understand and don't wanna bullshit it and actually want to take something away from this so I know in the future. for example, I don't understand what things to configure in the firewall or what else to configure besides active directory. and he lists percentages of future growth of certain departments and says to make sure to account for that which i dont really understand either like does he want me to actually create 80 user accounts throughout the groups i create. not sure.... but also he lists things like File Service requirements and says stuff like CAD DRAWINGS and how big the file sizes are and HR people should be the only users/group to access their files (dont know how to do that) (just asking to be pointed in the right direction and ill put the pieces together I cant say this enough im not asking you to do my lab im just asking for the help to get going in the right direction so i can actually do this right and learn something from it) general public share where all authorized users on the network can access the data. and the last thing is like install any other roles that would be needed to achieve the outcome. I will post the whole lab so you get the big picture but im going to underline the parts that dont make sense to me and that i need help on. AGAIN IM NOT ASKING YOU TO GIVE ME ALL THE ANSWERS just point me in the right direction or something and help me understand how you even approach something like this. hes not the best professor but I do have some knowlege of windows server and know how to do everything else besides certain parts of this. sorry for long post but really need help from knowledgeable people any help at all will be much appreciated thanks so much to whoever wants to take the time to help me out. Thanks again!!


Congratulations on your new position as Junior System Administrator of Contoso. You’ve been tasked with taking over the day to day operational tasks of the primary servers in the environment. Contoso is a growing company with 47 employees today and plans to expand the office to accommodate approximately 80 within the year spread across multiple departments: CAD and Engineering, IT, Sales and Customer Service, and Management. Once the expansion is complete, we estimate that 30% of the users will be in the CAD and Engineering department, 40% in sales, 15% in Management, and 15% in IT.
Since you are the first person in the IT department, you have the job of creating an IT infrastructure that scales to the needs of the organization. For this exercise, we’ll assume that all jacks necessary for interconnectivity are in place with CAT6 connectivity, a Cisco Nexus gigabit switching, and an ASA firewall are preprogrammed and ready for use.
Just so you know everything that you have to work with, your boss, whom is a business major, purchased new Dell hardware for you to deploy a brand-new fresh Windows Active Directory based environment. As he’s a business major, he doesn’t know much about what he purchased, but the Dell representative on the phone said it was more than adequate for his needs.
Your goal is to determine if what your boss purchased was appropriate for the needs of the organization before proceeding, and if not, explain what the problem areas with appropriate ways to remediate the problem with pricing. Then create a mock-up of the Windows installation and any other software needed for the company.
Basic IT needs of the organization:
We’ll be planning on running a PHP based timecard system so a web server with basic outbound email capabilities for reporting purposes will be required.
Windows Domain Controller properly formatted and partitioned as required per best practices.
Windows Domain Controller with DNS and DHCP configuration and appropriate Active Directory structure to support the expansion of the organization.
Basic Windows File Services to support the needs of:
CAD drawings (average approximately 400MB – 600MB per drawing).
HR Documents that are secured from all other individuals on the network.
General Public Share where all authorized users on the network can access the data.
System Specifications:
Dell PowerEdge T140 Tower Server
TPM 2.0
3.5” Chassis up to 4 Hard Drives
Intel Xeon E-2186G 3.8Ghz 6Core 12 Thread
RAID 0 for HDDs and SSDs
PERC H330 RAID Controller
(4) 1TB 7200RPM SATA HDD
Windows Server 2019 Essentials
(1) 50 Pack Windows Server 2019 User CALs
ProSupport 5 Year Agreement
You should document your findings about the hardware if required.
Create a Windows Server installation (appropriate version for your hardware is fine).
Document the installation of Windows with appropriate screen shots
Configure your windows server as appropriate – screen shot process along the way for documentation purposes
Create appropriate file shares on the system – screen shots required for each. Show how you’ll create the shares as needed based on the above.
Install any other roles on the system in order to come to needed outcome. Configure as appropriate and provide screen shots of the process.
Install a copy of Windows (7, 8, 10 etc) and join it to the domain. Test multiple user accounts to verify that they are getting the appropriate permissions to the shares and screen shot as appropriate.
Determine how you’ll host the website (few options). Explain your reasoning and document the process you “think” you would take. Actual installation is not required.

ANY HELP AT ALL IS APPRECIATED!!! just trying to learn from anyone whos been in my spot before it will help me so much in the long run and just being pointed in right direction will help. thanks a lot guys hope you can help even if its just a little i really appreciate anyone who takes the time to me out learning. thanks again!!!

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