BSOD with IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 0x0000000a, ntoskrnl.exe


Samir Mideros

My PC has been giving me the same bsod for quite some time, I managed to solve it before but with the recent formatting and applying the same settings as before, unfortunately they came back... Apparently I only get this one, because before I got several.Dump file: 111124-7765-01.dmpCrash time: 11/11/2024 23:36:07Bug check string: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUALBug check code: 0x0000000aParameter 1: 00000000`00000000Parameter 2: 00000000`00000002Parameter 3: 00000000`00000001Parameter 4: fffff802`a2aac596Caused by driver: ntoskrnl.exeCaused by address; ntoskrnl.exe+4b8680File description: NT Kernel &am

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