BSOD, possible hardware failure?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jake_55
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Hey everyone,

I have been having some BSOD issues for a little while now, and I was hoping someone might be able to help me interpret these. If we look at just the last 5, which have occurred over the last 3 days, the bug check codes have been as follows: 124, 124, 3b, 1e, 1e. I put the dumps through WinDbg and analyzed them, and I will try to attach those to the post.

As I understand it, bug check code 124 is a critical hardware failure, while the other ones are probably driver related (?). Is there any way for me to be able to tell if these all have the same root cause? While trying to figure out which piece of HW might be causing my critical hardware failure BSODs, I have been running some tests, mainly memtest for my RAM, Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool and OCCT for my CPU, as well as OCCT for the rest of the things it can do. I have found only 1 error throughout all of my testing, and that was a single WHEA error from OCCT while running the VRAM test. I did not see the error in repeat tests.

I have contacted windows support a 2 times at this point regarding errors thrown by either chkdsk c: or sfc /scannow, both times I have run DISM commands and it seems to fix the issue. The concerning part is that I'm fairly sure I shouldn't have to be running those every couple of months. I mean, chkdsk c: finds issues almost every other time I run it at this point.

I am a bit concerned about my PC at this point, I have had a lot of issues with it. I got it in October, and have already lost a GPU and an HDD.

I will also attach a list of parts and versions I think would be relevant, but please feel free to ask if I need anything else.

Now, if you take a look at the part list, you MIGHT notice that the PSU I have MIGHT be a complete pile of trash. This is something I did not know until recently, and I plan on replacing it, but, I am slightly concerned that it might be slowly (or perhaps quickly) frying my hardware. I have no idea how to test this. The fact that I have lost 2 HW components already kind of scares me this might be the case, but, I am hoping someone who knows much more about this than I do can tell me if the issues I am having a consistent with this type of issue. Either way, I am already planning on replacing it very soon.

Thanks in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated. I just don't really know what to do at this point.


Drop Box link: Dropbox - Win10_BSOD_Troubleshooting - Simplify your life

I hope it works, please tell me if it doesn't

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