Firstly, I do realize there are other posts here related to this or a similar matter.
Those I have come across are quite dated and have not offered me any assistance in the matter.
It's worth noting, as for some reason in every forum thread I encounter, people assume that the obvious solution is Task Manager. Killing and executing Explorer, so let me assert, CTRL+ALT+DEL, CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, etc. appeared to do absolutely nothing. I am also rather certain this is not the result of malware.
After installing a backlog of Windows 7 updates, dating from September 2015, I proceeded with the required reboot. Everything seemed to go as planned, yet after Windows logo, the screen went black with cursor instead of initializing logon screen. The screen would occasionally flicker and cursor would change to loading icon intermittently. I left it for some time, before deciding this wasn't going anywhere. After leaving the black screen to idle several times, the system shut down. Oddly enough, it was considered a proper shut down as I wasn't presented with the failed shutdown screen (Safe Mode boot option). This may be due to repeated keyboard inputs, though I am not certain.
The different problems I read about seem stem from a variety of issues but lead to the same BlSoD/KSoD (whatever you choose to call it). I eventually determined it was not related to display/GPU or said drivers (installed fresh driver). I was able to get into Safe Mode (keyboard not recognized upon boot, which made this a very unpleasant experience--eventually was able to get keyboard input on boot by disconnecting slave drive), where I tried a variety of things. From inspecting Device Manager, using system repair, system restore (tried three different points, each further in time), sfc, and chkdsk.
After a few hours of trial and error, I was at the point where I figured my only option was to format the drive.
I decided that before doing so, I would boot it up and not touch a thing. I left it this way for 15-20 minutes. There was plenty of display flickering during this time. It very suddenly displayed the logon screen. I logged in and everything seemed to be running fine.
The only thing that happened between the last good reboot (~1 hour before updating) and after updating, was the installation of the Windows 7 updates.
Since this good boot, I have not restarted the system. I obviously will eventually, although I would rather not compromise the opportunity I have to deal with this matter outside of Safe Mode.
I would imagine that restarting the system would result in one of three things.
1. System reboots as it should and no black screen appears
2. Black screen appears and after x amount of time, the logon screen appears
3. Black screen appears and nothing happens
I would really like to avoid 2 & 3, so before I go ahead and reboot, I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced a similar issue and what they did to resolve it. Perhaps anything related to Windows 7 updates dating back to 09/15 that could have negatively affected registry or crucial system files. Knowing that system restore didn't remedy the issue (at least not immediately) and noting that Safe Mode booted to the logon screen without issue, I feel it's safe to say something is or was corrupted.
Any input at all on the matter is very much appreciated.
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Those I have come across are quite dated and have not offered me any assistance in the matter.
It's worth noting, as for some reason in every forum thread I encounter, people assume that the obvious solution is Task Manager. Killing and executing Explorer, so let me assert, CTRL+ALT+DEL, CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, etc. appeared to do absolutely nothing. I am also rather certain this is not the result of malware.
After installing a backlog of Windows 7 updates, dating from September 2015, I proceeded with the required reboot. Everything seemed to go as planned, yet after Windows logo, the screen went black with cursor instead of initializing logon screen. The screen would occasionally flicker and cursor would change to loading icon intermittently. I left it for some time, before deciding this wasn't going anywhere. After leaving the black screen to idle several times, the system shut down. Oddly enough, it was considered a proper shut down as I wasn't presented with the failed shutdown screen (Safe Mode boot option). This may be due to repeated keyboard inputs, though I am not certain.
The different problems I read about seem stem from a variety of issues but lead to the same BlSoD/KSoD (whatever you choose to call it). I eventually determined it was not related to display/GPU or said drivers (installed fresh driver). I was able to get into Safe Mode (keyboard not recognized upon boot, which made this a very unpleasant experience--eventually was able to get keyboard input on boot by disconnecting slave drive), where I tried a variety of things. From inspecting Device Manager, using system repair, system restore (tried three different points, each further in time), sfc, and chkdsk.
After a few hours of trial and error, I was at the point where I figured my only option was to format the drive.
I decided that before doing so, I would boot it up and not touch a thing. I left it this way for 15-20 minutes. There was plenty of display flickering during this time. It very suddenly displayed the logon screen. I logged in and everything seemed to be running fine.
The only thing that happened between the last good reboot (~1 hour before updating) and after updating, was the installation of the Windows 7 updates.
Since this good boot, I have not restarted the system. I obviously will eventually, although I would rather not compromise the opportunity I have to deal with this matter outside of Safe Mode.
I would imagine that restarting the system would result in one of three things.
1. System reboots as it should and no black screen appears
2. Black screen appears and after x amount of time, the logon screen appears
3. Black screen appears and nothing happens
I would really like to avoid 2 & 3, so before I go ahead and reboot, I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced a similar issue and what they did to resolve it. Perhaps anything related to Windows 7 updates dating back to 09/15 that could have negatively affected registry or crucial system files. Knowing that system restore didn't remedy the issue (at least not immediately) and noting that Safe Mode booted to the logon screen without issue, I feel it's safe to say something is or was corrupted.
Any input at all on the matter is very much appreciated.
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