In news:hmcpvf$ksf$,
Raoul Watson typed:
> Dirk wrote:
>> Im looking for a free data back up program that will only back up
>> the files that have changed since the previous back up.
>> Any suggestions
>> Thank you
> For data files, you can just write a one liner batch file like this:
> (the remarks are for explanation you don't need to type those lines
> in)
> @echo off
> rem /I = creates subdirs as needed
> rem /S = includes subdirs
> rem /E = includes empty dirs
> rem /Y = no prompt for overwriting (YES = default)
> rem /H = includes hidden files
> rem /R = overwrites Read Only files
> rem /D = copies changed files only (first time will be ALL)
> rem /C = continues even if an error occur (for open/used files)
> xcopy C:\ X:\CBACKUP /I /S /E /Y /H /R /D /C
> X:\CBACKUP is your destination drive or directory/
That appears as though it will work quite well. And, it's native to XP and
can be run from the desktop. Personally I think at the end a pause and
possibly a note that the user may look back thru the files would be a good
addition, but ... not a necessity by any means.
I do think I'd have it create a logfile to go with it, though.
-- Can not back up the OS due to files "in use", but you didn't say it
would. I just point it out because some won't catch it right away.
-- Beware backup file redundancy; in other words, be sure to NOT back up
the backup file - it sometimes gets "interesting" if you do and the backup
becomes worthless.
-- As written, the batch file will have to reside in the system Path, or
exist on each hard drive letter. It's probably best to place the batch file
in ...\System\, which is in the Path, and precede the line with a refrence
to each drive letter present. e.g.
Assuming CBACKUP is a drive used ONLY for backup and is NOT one of the ones
to be backed up:
@echo off
echo Explain to the user what's about to happen. Maybe mention CTRL-C to
stop the echo batch from running.
xcopy C:\ X:\CBACKUP /I /S /E /Y /H /R /D /C
echo Drive C done...starting Drive D
xcopy D:\ X:\CBACKUP /I /S /E /Y /H /R /D /C
echo Drive D done...starting drive E
xcopy E:\ X:\CBACKUP /I /S /E /Y /H /R /D /C
echo Done.
CBACKUP can not exist on any of the drives being backed up without creating
the possibility of making a drive capacity-filling file and ruining the
whole process.
There needs to be one line for each drive letter being backed up.
And of course some error checking would be good but probably not necessary
as long as the batch file were closely checked to be sure it does what it
needs to do.
It could even back up to a compressed drive or folder to save a little space
on the backup drive.
IMO, XP's ntbackup is a better solution and avoids the problem of trying to
backup the backup file, plus it will back up the OS if requested also.
From a comand prompt, ntbackup /? will list all the possible
switches and their descriptions. In reality what that will do is open
ntbackup.exe and then open Help to the section that describes the switches
and parameters. Quite useful.
Likewise, xcopy /? will get you help for the xcopy
Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered
through personal experience does not become a
part of the moral tissue.