An internal error occurred. Remote Desktop via VPN (only).

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beefydog9999
  • Start date Start date


A couple of months ago, I started getting the error message "An internal error occurred" when connecting through an IPSec tunnel to all Windows 10 machines, a Windows 7 machine and a Windows 2008 R2 server machine. (every machine on the network). I can connect within the network just fine to all these machines and can connect from outside the VPN (after opening a port on the router) with no problems (though, that is a security risk) as well.
No changes were made to the router, what-so-ever, in that time period (Netgear UTM25) and the tunnel(s) work just fine for file transfer, ICMP, FTP, HTTP(s) - ONLY Remote Desktop is affected.
I've tried every setting in Remote Desktop I can find - disabling auto-reconnect, enabling/disabling NLA, firewalls, and quite frankly, I'm stumped.
I would blame the router, so I tried a different router (and older SonicWall), set up the tunnel (IPSec) with the same results.

I believe the issue is with some windows updates that were added since this started (I think it was April - not sure since this is not utilized very often - it could have started as early as February) that makes Windows not like something in the traffic (various branded NICs too, so we can rule NIC drivers out as well), or perhaps the protocol (something that would be appended to, or missing from, packet headers?).
The LAN consists of both gigabit and 100baseT connections (if that has anything to do with it).

This is way above my pay grade and we've been using external ports (bad practice, I know, but the VPN is useless for Remote Desktop as of 2019).

If anyone has solved this problem (I've tried literally everything in this forum - if it's a router issue or somehow Windows is no longer IPSec compliant - or it IS compliant, but the routers are too old - 4-7 years and something changed in the protocol), please share exactly what you found - and possibly changes you made to your router (apparently, I've seen 6 different brands all having this same issue this year - we're all stumped!)

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