After Win 10 upgrade BSOD error and restart loop, VIDEO MEMORY MANAGEMENT INTERNALERROR

  • Thread starter Thread starter Giggungaggap
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My problem starts with the same BSOD, however it goes differently from there, let me explainas briefly and detailed as possile:
1) ASUS All-in-one PC, 27 inch, multi-touch panel, originally bought with Windows 8 in 2013
2) Upgraded to Win 8.1 as upgrade rolled.
3)Had been trying to upgrade to Windows 10 since around december 2015, without success, install would stall and revert to WIn 8.1 after 72% completion of install (I believe it was error 000417 or something like that)
4) Somedate around March 15th, after countless tries and reading many solutions online, I disconencted from Wi-fi after upgrade download finished, then upgrade went through and I was able to access my PC in Windows 10 after the initial reboot.
5) That first time was the last.I logged in, but noticed the resolution was out ouf whack, since the screen looked like it had been zoomed in quite a lot.
6) I checked settings but that was the highest resolution and size available.
7) At the same time, Windows informed me that display drivers had been updated and a re-start was needed.
8) At the same time again, Nvidia Notfication appear to install update to the Graphics display driver.
9) So I put the re-start on hold, I proceeded to update NVIDIA as well.
10) After NVIDIA update finished I proceeded to re-start PC.
11) Restart led me to BSOD, with VIDEO MEMORY MANAGEMENT INTERNAL error message, and a loop of restarts and same BSOD.
12) I was able to access teh troubleshooting options and started in Safe Mode with Network
13) I was in panic, so I uninstalled NVIDIA Grapich Display and another NVIDIA software (I was in fear I should have waited until after the WIndows display drivers update restar, toupdate NVIDIA, so I uninstalled it).
14) I restarted PC.
15) I got the same BSOD, and restar loop. I went to bed.
16) Next day, I turn on PC, I got NO BSOD, but I immediately got a BIOS WARNING, something like I could't boot from the cirrent device. GAve some troubleshooting steps.
17) Tried to follw them and some other online solutio.
18) Somehow got the same BSOD again, withthe restart loop, and still able to enter Safe Mode with Network.
19) However, even though is Safe MOde WITH Network, it gives me no connection.
20) I connected the PC via LAN cable and I am able to use Internet Explrorer to browsehe internet, however, NEtwork conenction says NOT CONNECTED to a network.
21) Widnows Update won't run.
22) Tryin to update drivers online says"No connection detected" and for NVIDIA it says "Cannot intall in Safe MOde".
23) During some of these problems I conatct Microsoft support by chat or phone, inall cases it is "call this number, not his one", "let me tranfer you", or something like that, but not a single thing to help.
24) I give up and decide to turn PC back to Factory settings.
25) Access troubleshooting options, and select return PC to original state (or soemthing like that)
26) PC goes though the process, hoever after restart I get same BSOD, troubleshoot again, go to Safe MOde
27) And I get Safe MOde in WIndows 10!
28) From here I don't know what to do next. PC is barely usle like this, MIcrosoft Office 365 programs won't open, with message saying Cannot open from Built in administration account, and thens ome other runtime error.
29) Edge has the same Buil in administration error.
I want to fix this quickly, if it is better(easier and quicker) to go back to Win 8, then fine.
I'll let Win 10 alone, so be it.
Can you help me, please.

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