Below is an example batch file (incorporating the command you quoted ) I
have working on my system to add some helpful stuff to a new "cmd"
*NB Make sure the batch-file is named ADMCMD.BAT and is in the system's
"path" (i.e.; in a folder included in the PATH variable, usually C:\WINDOWS
is one) and that the file containing the macros is named ADMIN.MAC and is
[also] placed in C:\WINDOWS.
------------------- copy between lines -(start)------------------
@echo off
if %1]==start] goto BATCH
runas.exe /user:Administrator cmd.exe /k call admcmd.bat start
goto :EOF
------------------- copy between lines -(end)-------------------
The first line "@echo off" prevents the commands from being displayed
[echoed] on the screen as they are executed and the "@" prevents that
command itself from being displayed.
The next couple of lines incorporate your command to start a cmd.exe window
with ADMIN credentials and also points it back to the starting batch-file
again to run the other commands from the line labelled "BATCH". You can
use the "goto LABEL" command to jump to another part of the batch-file
beginning with a colon followed by a chosen word i.e.; :LABEL
The "goto :EOF" line is different, as you don't normally use the colon *in*
the goto command and the line-label :EOF does not exist. This special form
of the "goto" command means : "goto [E]nd [O]f [F]ile"
The SET command can be used to set an environment variable that can be
recalled in various ways and in this case is used by the DIR command to set
chosen "switches" that will be applied automatically when set in the DIRCMD
variable. You can display a list of environment variables currently set,
by typing the SET command with no parameters.
The COLOR command changes the default text color to cyan-on-black (my
personal favourite). Some doskey macros (see next item) can be set to
simply change the text color by typing such as "red", "blue" and "green".
The DOSKEY command is for a command-line editor program that allows you to
use the up / down left /right arrow keys to modify past typed commands.
This allows you to change a small part of a large command or repeat a
command often used to save time in both cases. It also points doskey to
the file: ADMIN.MAC is a file which contains doskey command-line macros, a
sample of which is reproduced below :
------------------- copy between lines -(start)------------------
red=color 0C
blue=color 09
green=color 0A
cyan=color 0B
cmdhelp=hh.exe ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds.htm
------------------- copy between lines -(end)-------------------
For a list of commands for use with the "command-line" (that is; in a
"dos-box") type the following into the "Run" box on the Start Menu :
hh.exe ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds.htm
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.
"Mint" wrote in message
>I tried adding some more functionality to the batch file below with no
> success.
> Is there a way that I can add to this batch file?
> For example, color 1f and loading some macros would be great too.
> Thanks.
> runas.exe /user:Administrator cmd.exe