Hello, not sure I'm posting at the right place, sorry if it is not the case.
Since this morning, my Acer Aspire A317-51G can't boot Windows 10, there is the "Preparing automatic repair" message with dots circling for a while then black screen... (screen still on but displays nothing)
What I tried:
Does anyone have an idea what is going on with my PC and how I can fix it ?
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Since this morning, my Acer Aspire A317-51G can't boot Windows 10, there is the "Preparing automatic repair" message with dots circling for a while then black screen... (screen still on but displays nothing)
What I tried:
turn off/on 3 times so "Advanced boot settings" appears => doesn't do anything
disable "Secure Boot" but couldn't change Boot Mode to "Legacy" as only "UEFI" is available then
create boot usb with "MediaCreationTool" and boot the PC on it => no more auto repair message, only dots rolling forever
create boot usb with win10 .iso files and Rufus exe (tested with MobaLiveCD, seems OK) then boot the PC on it => same as previous
press Alt+F10 then turn on PC while holding it => "Please wait" appears with spinning dots then black screen
Does anyone have an idea what is going on with my PC and how I can fix it ?
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