A while back I found an issue with Windows, let me tell you all about it

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBrannam
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A while back, I was just on my pc messing around on some applications, and well, pc crashes, I boot it up, freezes up after I try to load something in full screen. So I boot up again and bam, sys repair pops up, it runs and says its fixed everything. I boot up again, crashes again, immediately this time. I use a recovery option and switch to an older version of my windows 10 pc, it works for a bit, but was still crashing, then it just wouldn't load at all, I couldn't even sign in. I go back into recovery, safe mode, and it works, I run a BUNCH of command prompt commands. Also, this all started out as my proxy and my internet not liking each other. Anyways, I go into cmd promp mode and run explorer, look around the files a bit, and then I run chkdsk, oh boy. I found my HUGE problem, both my System Volume and MTF Files were unreadable, or corrupted. B O T H of them, so I was stuck with the only option. Reset the whole thing, I tried to reset and keep my files, but it would just, stop at like 58% I did reset it, completely, but it works now. I found this out and wanted to spread the word, could have been a lurking malaware, even though I have both AVG and Avast on my pc, both running. Could be just something new, I can't replicate the damage on my vm, I tried, alot. Welp if you ever run chkdsk and you see both of those things are unreadable, just reset your pc, I tried alot. Before I ran reset, I un did the old recovery point and loaded into my original boot, it ran smoothly until it didnt, cortana tried to load, but I disabled it, it crashed everytime, one time though, I was fast enough to run some administrator tools before it tried to load, it showed a giant mess, so, yeahh. I just wanted to put this out there, this may be some kind of virus, or just a system error, all I know is, I am really glad that reset still worked. If it didn't, I wouldnt have a pc anymore.

Ps. Something weird, my pc has old boot loader files from my corrupted windows, all are unused, I have the file windows recovery and yea, it had alotbody old files, i guess the keep my files reset kind of worked? Welp see ya

This was the most Critical error I have seen so, have fun solving this one

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